Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity: Transportation and the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule PowerPoint Presentation
This is the powerpoint presentation which accompanies the webinar archive, Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity: Transportation and the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.
This webinar looks at the AFFH rule and how it can be used to promote equitable transportation, transit-oriented development, and opportunity-focused place making. Learn how to get involved in and influence your local AFFH process and how the AFFH data tool can be used as an ongoing resource to support equitable transportation planning.
Speakers included:
Patricia Fron, Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance
Ubax Gardheere, Puget Sound Sage
Jonathan Burch, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
Emily Chatterjee, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Ben Bakkenta, Puget Sound Regional Council
Sarita Turner, PolicyLink
Anita Cozart, PolicyLink